Video: You Got a PPP Loan. Now What?!
Understanding PPP Loan Forgiveness
Despite the widespread use of the Payroll Protection Program (PPP), many small business owners have expressed frustration at the lack of information available on loan forgiveness. On June 1, Sam Boyd, CFP led a webinar on the steps small business owners can take to get their PPP loans forgiven. You can watch a recording of the webinar and view Sam's slides by clicking the buttons below.
Topics Covered
Below is a list of items Sam discussed in his webinar.
- Forgivable Expenses Under PPP
- The PPP Loan Forgiveness Process
- Calculating Payroll Costs for PPP Consideration
- Calculating Non-Payroll Costs For PPP Consideration
- Reductions to Loan Forgiveness
- Understanding FTE: Full-Time Equivalency
- Furlough, Salary Reduction, Retirement, Fired for Cause
- Documentation
- The Bank Process
There's a lot of detailed information here, but we know it can be confusing. We're here to talk to you further if you need it. As always, you can schedule an appointment or a phone call with one of our team members by clicking here or clicking the button below!