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Webinar Replay: Don't Blow Your IPO: Understanding Incentive Stock Options Thumbnail

Webinar Replay: Don't Blow Your IPO: Understanding Incentive Stock Options

Going Through an IPO?

...then you have an amazing opportunity to  leverage your Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) into multigenerational wealth. But there are costly mistakes you must avoid. Samuel Boyd, CFP® of Capital Asset Management Group is here to help. He recently led an online webinar about IPO tactics and strategies that you can use to make the most of your liquidity event. 

The slides and replay from Sam's webinar are available by clicking on the buttons below. 

Get the Slides!


Topics Covered

During this presentation, Sam answered such questions:

  1. "What is Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), and how does it impact me?"
  2. "How many shares should I exercise? How many should I sell? When should I exercise and sell? 
  3. "How can I reduce my tax burden in the year of IPO?"
  4. "How can I bring this money back into my life tax efficiently?"
  5. "How can I access my money without needing to sell my shares (FOMO)?"
  6. "How do I diversify out of a concentrated position in one stock tax efficiently?"
  7. "How can I make this liquidity event even more meaningful for future generations and/ or charity?"

You Don't Have To Face Your IPO Decision Alone

While today's webinar was general in nature, we recognize that each person's  situation is unique. If you want help understanding your IPO options, we'd love to talk to you personally. Please contact us by clicking the button below. A member of our financial planning team will respond to you shortly.


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